Shareholder Resources


The Mangatu Blocks Incorporation Constitution is not a written single constitution but a following of two specific pieces of legislation.

Te Ture Whenua Act 1993 | View on

Māori Incorporations Constitution Regulations 1994 | View on

These two pieces of legislation provide the rules in which the Incorporation must act and carry out its business. Amendments to this constitutional process are challenging and would require a large shareholding (75% of shares) to ratify a change. Where parties are discussing the constitution in relation to Mangatu they are referring to these two documents and sets of rules.

Mangatu will also commit to supporting shareholder knowledge on the understanding of the constitution and working with parties like the Māori Land Court to understand Ahuwhenua Trusts, Whanau Trust & Incorporations.


We have a range of policies and procedures created for the day-to-day management of the Incorporation and to protect the wellbeing of our kaimahi and owners. Policies can be updated by the Committee as well as the Management team where appropriate.

These policies include:

  • Timing, application and process of grants – kaumatua, education, scholarships and tangi.
  • Access to property and assets of the Incorporation.
  • The safe use of property and assets as well as other health and safety policies.
  • Privacy policies and procedures.

Other processes and procedures are dictated by the Acts that Mangatu follow as part of its constitution. This includes:

  • Voting processes of members to the Committee of Management or resolutions.
  • General and special resolution requirements and processes.
  • Requirements for an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and specific processes required.
  • Requirement for audited financial statements.
  • Management of the Share Register and link with the Māori Land Court.

Along with the link to the relevant constitution documentation, Mangatu will upload relevant policy documents and application forms to the website for easier access by the owners.